Club 4 Paws

Premium food for cats and dogs

My love/Gav

Standard food for dogs

My Love/ Miau!

Standard food for cats

my love

Standard food for cat and dog


Super premium food for cats and dogs

OptiMeal (1)


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Kormotech is always open to collaborating with people who share our values. Let's move together towards our common goals

More about Kormotech


4 open vacancies
  • Директор з продажів (СБО 4)

    Ми розпочинаємо шлях до нашої великої цілі – увійти в топ-30 світових лідерів petfood галузі, тому розширення нашої команди в Kormotech Global є першим кроком.
    Ми шукаємо високо потенційних спеціалістів, які допоможуть нам підтримувати культуру та ДНК Kormotech, зміцнювати наші позиції на світових ринках, будуть з нами говорити мовою спільних цінностей.
    Зараз ми в пошуку харизматичного, орієнтованого на результат лідера, який очолить напрямок продажів у таких країнах як, Румунія, Болгарія, Боснія і Герцовина, Хорватія, Македонія, Чорногорія, Словенія, Сербія, Албанія, Туреччина та в країнах Близького Сходу.

    Від Feb 27, 2024 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Senior Sales Manager

    Kormotech is an international company with Ukrainian roots that creates high-quality products for cats and dogs. We are the market leader in Ukraine in terms of sales and are among the world's 60 largest pet food producers (in the Top Companies ranking according to Petfood Industry).
    Our facilities include three high-tech pet food production plants. Two of them are located in an ecologically clean area in the Lviv region (Ukraine), and the third one is a wet feed production facility in Kaidany (Lithuania).

    Over the past 10 years, Kormotech has been selling its products to 40 countries. We export feed to the USA, the UK, Germany, Spain, Chile, Sweden, France, Estonia, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Latvia, Georgia and other countries.

    Від Mar 19, 2024 Warsaw, Poland
  • Sales Director (SBU 3)

    We are starting the way to our big goal - to enter the top 30 global leaders in the pet food industry, so expanding our team at Kormotech Global is the first step.
    We are looking for highly potential specialists who will help us maintain the culture and DNA of Kormotech, strengthen our position in global markets, and will speak with us in the language of common values.
    We are currently looking for a charismatic, result-oriented leader to lead our sales activities in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.

    Від Dec 27, 2023 Warsaw, Poland
  • Sales Director (SBU 4)

    We are starting the way to our big goal - to enter the top 30 global leaders in the pet food industry, so expanding our team at Kormotech Global is the first step.
    We are looking for highly potential specialists who will help us maintain the culture and DNA of Kormotech, strengthen our position in global markets, and will speak with us in the language of common values.
    We are currently looking for a charismatic, result-oriented leader to lead the sales team in Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia, Albania, Turkey, and the Middle East.

    Від Dec 27, 2023 Warsaw, Poland