
Premium food for cats and dogs

Club 4 Paws

Premium food for cats and dogs

My love

Standard food for dogs

My Love

Standard food for cats


Standard food for cat and dog


Super premium food for cats and dogs

OptiMeal (1)

How Corporate Social Responsibility Transforms Society: Key Insights from GET Business Festival 2024

Global and local events continue to reshape economies, cultures, and perceptions of "Made in Ukraine." Simultaneously, the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is evolving, becoming deeply embedded in brand culture.

 As Alina Smyshliak-Boroda, Chief Reputation Officer at Kormotech, stated during the GET Business Festival 2024:

 "Social projects in their pure form respond to societal needs. However, societal expectations of businesses have increased exponentially. What was once assumed to be the state's responsibility has now shifted onto businesses. Today, entrepreneurship is, first and foremost, social entrepreneurship, and improving people's lives must be at the core of every business."

Businesses must think strategically. At Kormotech, we combine emergency assistance with long-term solutions, integrating social initiatives into our business objectives. For example, over the past three years, our initiative to support animal shelters has secured $7.5 million in international aid.

We invest in projects that deliver the most significant impact. For us, this means enhancing the capacity of shelters, creating conditions for self-sufficiency, ensuring high-quality animal care, and helping animals find new homes. This unique combination of emergency relief and long-term goals not only changes attitudes toward animals but also opens new opportunities for the growth of the pet care sector.

Businesses are becoming the driving force behind changes that shape a new reality.