
Premium food for cats and dogs

Club 4 Paws

Premium food for cats and dogs

My love

Standard food for dogs

My Love

Standard food for cats


Standard food for cat and dog


Super premium food for cats and dogs

OptiMeal (1)

Supporting Ukraine's reputation in the pet care industry. For three years now, Kormotech has been one of the top 10 most dynamic companies in the world

Following the results of 2021, the company rose to 10 positions in the global ranking of players in pet care. Kormotech is now ranked 51st among the world's top 101 companies by PetfoodIndustry.

One step closer to the vision: last year, the team managed to increase the company's sales by 43.2% in value and 22.8% in weight compared to 2020. The rating gives an understanding of the place under the sun and the growth rate. For the third year in a row, Kormotech is one of the ten most dynamic companies in the pet food industry. This indicates systemic growth.

"We can do much more than we want. At the end of 2017, entering the top 50 seemed almost impossible. It was just a dream. But we calculated what would exactly be the "ticket" to this list. To achieve our vision, the company's turnover should be $150 million per year, which is now close to the first 50 rankings," said Rostislav Vovk, CEO of Kormotech.

The pet products industry is a highly competitive market. Feedback in the client's heart is a measure of success, profits, and ratings. The dynamics of Kormotech's development is also evidenced by the willingness of foreign partners, even despite the war, not only to sell but also to expand the line of representation of Kormotech product in the distribution range. However, the company still has not achieved its goal. Another crisis caused by Russian aggression could potentially lead to a setback.

"However, the war forced us to change the structure of the main areas: production, logistics, work in export markets. Over time, we will understand what worked and what should be replenished, - says Rostislav.- Of course, we will continue to invest in Ukrainian and Lithuanian plants, develop our brands focused on customer needs, and do not plan to stop. We do not predict whether we will roll back for the current year, but everything is accurate. However, let us not forget that a common goal unites us, and we will achieve it. "

Kormotech continues to be the most prominent mouthpiece and mainstay of Ukraine's reputation in the global pet care arena through business success and social impact on communities. In the real world of war, this is extremely important. We can not only maintain the economic front but also attract help from the four-legged victims from other countries by joining forces in the Save Pets of Ukraine initiative.