
Premium food for cats and dogs

Club 4 Paws

Premium food for cats and dogs

My love/Gav

Standard food for dogs

My Love/ Miau!

Standard food for cats

my love

Standard food for cat and dog


Super premium food for cats and dogs

OptiMeal (1)

Kormotech has signed a contract with the online platform Cityvet Pet&Farm in Romania!

The contract was signed in early 2024. 

Cityvet Pet & Farm is a well-known online platform in Romania. It has an extensive distribution network operating in the veterinary field and offers a diverse range of animal products: veterinary drugs, dietary supplements, feed, and accessories.

"Our goal is to become a partner for all players in the retail market in Romania," says Gery Kurariu, Kormotech's regional manager in Romania.

This partnership underscores our commitment to animal welfare and customer satisfaction. We are expanding the range of high-quality products for cats and dogs.

Kormotech has been steadily expanding its presence in the Romanian market since 2020, strengthening its efforts by creating a qualified local sales team responsive to market dynamics and customer needs.

Kormotech continues its successful journey in achieving strategic goals and further developing its presence in Central and Eastern Europe.