
Premium food for cats and dogs

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Adopt Pets of Ukraine. Kormotech helps pets to find a new home

In April, the team of the premium brand CLUB 4 PAWS initiated the launch of a project to place cats and dogs in new families. Director of Communications Kateryna Kovalyuk tells how homeless people are looking for new homes.

How the project works

The Adopt Pets of Ukraine team cooperates with pet shelters, pet volunteers, and Ukrainians who take care of pet strays until they find a new home. We publish pet pages on the initiative's social media. It's more like a "dating site," where everyone can find a true friend, than a blog of sad stories. Now we help to adopt cats and dogs from different parts of Ukraine. Different fates befell them. However, we prefer to tell people what emotions the future companionship with a cat or dog will give them so that this is what motivates them to get a pet, but not a feeling of regret or guilt.

Who can become the pet owner 

We will not say that it is easy because it is essential to give the pet not just a new home but a place where it will be respected and loved so that the tail does not end up on the street again. We call the new owners a pet parents. To become one, a person must make an informed choice and be ready to take care of a pet friend. The team monitors, surveys, and conducts live interviews of each applicant for the role of a pet parent. So those who are not prepared to provide our temporary residents with adequate care are turned away.

Why Kormotech needs this initiative 

Russia's war against Ukraine once again showed how brave our contemporaries are. However, we are all going through the most challenging phase of our lives. Cats and dogs once again became the most powerful psychological support for us. Even though some pets lost their homes and owners, and some were born under the sounds of shelling. They deserve to find a person and overcome future challenges together. In Ukraine, many initiatives help to adopt animals. However, we are convinced that every attempt to bring the number of homeless animals in Ukraine closer to zero is another joint victory and evidence of the humanity of Ukrainian society.

The Adopt Pets of Ukraine project has helped more than 80 cats and dogs find pet parents. Among them, there are two of our colleagues. Ivanka, the head of the design service, managed to meet a companion, Boba, who, together with the owner, overcomes his fears and learns to go to work in the office. And Andriy from the FEA department just became a pet parent to Jenny's dog, and now they are learning to live in a new rhythm together. We hope that such stories will increase in the project every day.