
Premium food for cats and dogs

Club 4 Paws

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My Love

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Standard food for cat and dog


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June 21—Take Your Dog to Work: Promoting a Pet-Friendly Office Environment. How can you Participate in the Event?

On Friday, June 21, the global event «Take Your Dog to Work» will occur. We traditionally invite Ukrainians to spend the workday with their pets. This is a way to show that even during the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukrainians continue to support a culture of humane treatment of animals.

In Ukraine, the largest producer of cat and dog food, Kormotech, initiated the tradition of bringing pets to the office once a year under its premium brand, Club 4 Paws. The first Event was held in 2013 in Lviv. For 12 years, the company and its brand have been ambassadors of a culture of equal coexistence between people and pets.

Kormotech's offices are adapted for dogs' comfort. People know how to behave in terms of animals' comfort and personal space. There are water bowls, food dishes, minimal carpeting, and even appropriate hygiene products, including a shower for washing paws.

The company calls for supporting the dog-friendly office initiative across the country. This call is not limited to food or accessory manufacturers for pets. The tradition is spreading throughout Ukraine, and over 500 companies of various types, from IT to chain cafes and restaurants, have become dog-friendly. June 21 is an excellent opportunity to join the community for your company!

In this way, Kormotech is changing the attitude towards pets in Eastern European countries — from mere ownership to full-fledged companions and family members. To this end, the company implements several social initiatives:


How to Join the "Take Your Dog to Work" Event?

Both individual pet parents and company offices are encouraged to join the social media flash mob. Branded gift boxes that help companies' offices become dog-friendly daily will be raffled among all participants.

Detailed conditions of the flash mob are available on the Event's Instagram page.

For companies and pet parents who decide to join the initiative for the first time, the organizers have developed a detailed guide with tips on preparing the office for such a workday and urge them to ensure the comfort of both their pets and colleagues.


Why is This Important?

The level of animal treatment culture reflects the state of societal development. Pets are not just family members but also companions. Dog-friendly offices have many advantages over companies where this is yet to be part of corporate culture. Animals help relieve stress, improve task focus, and enhance colleague relationships.

«We have a unique opportunity to change the existing order of things. Ten years ago, the term 'animal activist' was not commonly used. Now, we have powerful public organizations setting trends in this area. Ten years ago, feeding dogs bones and letting cats roam freely was considered normal. Today, we think about our pet's quality of life — why it exhibits certain behaviors and how to help it. In the last ten years, the number of 'No Pets Allowed' signs has decreased, and a water bowl near the entrance to a café in summer has become the norm. Changes in culture inevitably lead to changes in infrastructure, habits, and practices. We are pleased that society is gradually shedding pointless restrictions and moving towards creating an environment of support and comfortable interaction.» — Alina Smyshlyak-Boroda, Director of Reputation Management and CSR at Kormotech.